When Estate Planning Doesn’t Work (and What To Do About It)

In a recent interview, attorney Steven J. Oshins and CPA Bob Keebler described the current estate planning environment as a “perfect storm.” The unified credit amount is $11.4 million per person; interest rates are at unprecedented lows; the CARES Act waives the required minimum distributions from retirement plans, and market volatility and the lack of capital is discounting private businesses and publicly traded stock and bonds. There is a limited window of time to leverage tax savings on the transfer of wealth using tactics like GRATs, CRT’s, CLT’s, IDGT’s, SLATs, DAPTs, and so on. 

It’s all about being human. Learn more in the full article here: https://www.fa-mag.com/news/when-estate-planning-doesn-t-work–and-what-to-do-about-it-58389.html?section=40


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